# Week 12

This week everything came to a head as we leaned into our todo list and scrambled to ship. When you get this close to finishing something, you always realize how not close you really are.

# Real Gamers Ship

I finished the last few Screen of UI Based on Sandy’s mockups. These included the level select screen, level complete screen, game over screen and game complete screens. The level start screen was also modified to be different from the respawn screen, displaying 3 different pars with stars corresponding to them. The player would then have to die less times than specified to get that many stars on the level. Implementing the level select and level complete screens also required implementing saved state, something I had not even began to implement. Luckily Unity makes persistent data fairly easy to create and by serializing a saved sate class into a binary blob (saved as a .mothball) saving and loading a list of completed levels proved to be mostly trivial. This saved state class contains an array of completed levels along with the amount of starts the player beat the level with but can be expanded to include more persistent data such as the players quality settings in the future. With everything completed and all known bugs squashed, we began the web and desktop builds and prepared for our the showcase presentation.

# Showcase

Unity Prototype We (almost) won! But we don’t mind loosing (too badly) to a game as polished as Project CC (opens new window). Thank you to all the judges to took time out of their evening to watch our presentations!

# Reflection

After nearly 600 commits, I'm so happy with the way our game turned out. We were all ecstatic with our 2nd place win and the inspiring words given to us by the judges really have us wanted. We truly conquered the everlasting dark and will look towards the light